Attract customers fast and easy – through e-mail

Can you benefit from having your customers e-mails? Yes, when we’re talking about effective e-mail marketing. Good messages can be useful for users and businesses can profit from them. So don’t leave this tool of online marketing behind – you can hardly find a more effective direct marketing instrument than the well designed and intelligent e-mail campaign. If […] Read the full post

Dashboard as a key feature for a network management system

Jeffrey Orloff in his article How to choose a network management system (May 31, 2006, Computerworld) defines the key features that any network management system must have. As first feature in his list he mentions: “One simple interface: Everything that you need to see should be easily accessible. There should be no need to switch between screens […] Read the full post

Social Networking – A Revolution in Modern Communication

If you take out a newer edition of the Oxford Dictionary and look up the term “Social Networking,” it’ll say: Social Networking (noun): The use of dedicated websites and applications to communicate informally with other users, or to find people with similar interests to oneself. It’s a term that’s become a part of our modern social culture. Technology […] Read the full post

Get Found Locally – Tips & Free Business Listings

Think about the last time you were looking for information about a business or service in your area? What did you do? If I asked the same question ten years ago, your answer would have probably been “I looked it up in the phone book.” But times have changed. Research shows that 97% of consumers […] Read the full post

Website Performance: Taxonomy of Tips

Google/Yahoo Best Practices point­ed out that Google and Yahoo cre­ated lists of best prac­tices for web­site per­for­mance.  Google and Yahoo are not alone.  A recent web search for “per­for­mance tips for web app­li­ca­tions”got over 30 million hits.It may be use­ful to break this topic down into sub­topics.  We could then clas­si­fy tips accor­ding to sub­topic, which would […] Read the full post